Please join us and help stop the decline of these beautiful birds!
Membership of the Wirral Barn Owl Trust is open to anyone over 18 years of age (age limited for insurance purposes and Charity Commission requirements). If you’re under 18, please ask a parent or guardian to join on your behalf – you will still be welcome at the meetings.
Members are welcome to take part (as much or as little as they are able) in survey work, monitoring, installation of nest boxes, fundraising and displays at local events.
Member’s meetings are held on the last Thursday of June, and November at Bebington Civic Centre, Civic Way, Bebington, Wirral. Meetings start at 7:30 pm and include an update about what’s happening in barn owl conservation, a wildlife talk from various speakers, refreshments, and a raffle. The June meeting is also the Annual General Meeting.
We want members to increase the network of ‘eyes and ears’ across the Wirral peninsula so that Barn Owl sightings are reported. This allows us to build an accurate picture of where the birds are and what they are doing.
Membership costs just £12.00 per person or £20.00 for two people at one address. Membership is required to attend the members’ meetings and to vote at the AGM.
If you would like us to send you a membership application form, please complete the simple form below: